Is debt consolidation the best strategy to help you achieve financial freedom? The Personal Debt Consolidation Calculator shows how your payment structure and timeline can be adjusted by restructuring your debt. Enter the information for your current loans, including credit card debt balances, interest rates, auto loans, and other accounts that you’re currently paying. The calculator makes it easy to compare your debt consolidation options side-by-side by showing how your monthly payments will be affected by a new consolidation loan. Tweak the numbers and you’ll see that even the smallest changes can have a noticeable impact over time.
Personal Debt Consolidation Calculator

Personal Debt Consolidation Calculator
National Debt Relief LLC
180 Maiden Lane, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10038
This Personal Debt Consolidation Calculator helps you see 1) your current monthly payment and payoff timeline, 2) potential scenarios if these balances are consolidated, 3) how to speed up the payment timeline effectively. To start, enter the information for all your open accounts, including credit cards, auto loans, and installment loans. Use detailed, accurate information to reflect the current balances, interest rates, and minimum payments that need to be met. If you continue paying multiple balances, the calculator shows the total amount you’re paying each month. These monthly costs can add up if you have more than two or three balances to pay off.
Next, look at the way a new consolidation loan can affect your monthly payment and the payment timeline. Enter the details of a potential loan, such as the total loan balance from consolidating the other debts, as well as the interest rate, payment, and term. When you click the “calculate” button, it shows a side-by-side comparison of your current debt repayment method with the option to consolidate the balances. Adjust the loan details, such as monthly payment and interest rates to find an effective, fast way to achieve financial freedom. As these numbers are adjusted, the graph shows how your monthly cash flow will be affected. It’s easy to see how optimized debt payments can have a huge difference on your timeline for paying off the balances.