It makes sense to think that the cost of debt is simply the amount of debt that you owe, right? But this is most often not the case. Unless you paid extra close attention and were extremely diligent, it’s likely that your debt or loan involves interest collected over time. Until you calculate what that interest will amount to by the time you finish paying off your debt, you won’t know what your debt is really costing you. Use this Cost of Debt Calculator to determine exactly how much you’ll be paying over time.
Cost of Debt Calculator

Cost-of-Debt Calculator
National Debt Relief LLC
180 Maiden Lane, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10038
To make the most out of this calculator, simply input your information for each and every credit card or account you hold with debt. Make sure you have the current balance and interest rate available for each. If you’re not sure, check your online account, monthly statements, or even call their customer service department for more information. If you have an auto loan, personal loan, or real-estate loan, you’ll be able to input this information as well. If your debt were to be paid off in full immediately, you’d simply owe the balances on each account. Unfortunately, most Americans today operate on a system of credit. Many people can’t afford to pay for a car or home upfront in cash, so they take out a loan where they end up owing the creditor their original balance, plus accrued interest over the lifetime of the loan.
This means that the best way to get rid of your debt and pay as close to the balance as possible is to pay off your debt as fast as you can. The more time passes, the more you’ll end up paying in interest. In some extreme cases, the amount of interest someone ends up paying could equal or even surpass the original balance they owed. This is why it’s important to pay as much towards your debt as possible so you can live debt-free and save thousands on interest.