Are you trying to decide if a debt consolidation loan is the right solution for your financial situation? This Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator combines your loan and credit card balances into one payment, showing you what it would look like if you rolled everything together. Enter your information to see how your monthly payments will change, as well as the amount of time it’ll take to pay the balance in full. You’ll see that even small changes to the interest rate or payment amount can have a big effect on reducing your long-term payment schedule.
Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator

Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator
National Debt Relief LLC
180 Maiden Lane, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10038
This Consolidation Loan Investment Calculator demonstrates the benefit of consolidating your balances. These numbers show how the loan balance and interest rate will affect your monthly payment and the time it takes to pay in full. For an accurate calculation, be sure to enter the total loan amount based upon all outstanding balances that you owe right now, including installment debt, credit cards, and auto loans. All these payments can add up each month and make it hard to keep up with the minimum payments. Depending upon your financial situation, it may make sense to consolidate everything into one simple payment to manage interest costs and avoid fees. Adjust the numbers in the interest rate, term, and payment fields to find the optimal plan for your financial goals. Increasing the payment each month can have a significant impact on your payoff timeline.
Additionally, you can turn your financial situation around by seeing how the saved money can be invested to build wealth over time. Whether you’re planning to invest 100% of the payment savings or a portion of the savings, this money can be used in a financial strategy that’ll help you prepare for the future. The graph shows how the loan balance decreases and the investment balance quickly increases over time. The result of a solid debt payoff and investment plan is financial freedom and peace. Implementing these strategies now sets you on a pathway for success in the future.