To help you stay on top of your finances, National Debt Relief has developed a series of financial calculators to help you budget and keep track of your finances, no matter your situation. Each one can be customized to reflect your unique financial situation and give you the most accurate information so you can make future financial decisions with confidence.

Accelerated Debt Payoff
Making your minimum payments is only half the battle. It can help you get out of debt, but it won’t be quick. Use this calculator to find out how you can accelerate your debt payoff and get on the road to financial freedom sooner rather than later.

Consolidation Loan Investment
Multiple loans and lines of credit can make it difficult to pay down debt and get ahead financially. One option to speed up this process is to use a debt consolidation loan. Use this calculator to see how a consolidation loan could affect your finances.

Cost of Debt
While debt is always difficult to deal with, the interest you earn while paying off your debt is what can really cause you to become stuck in a vicious financial cycle. This calculator will help you to realize just how much all that interest can add up to and provide the real cost of your debt.

Credit Card Minimum Payment
If you’re struggling with debt, you probably know the pain of a high credit card payment. Use this calculator to figure out how long it would take you to pay off your debt if you made only the minimum payments. The results (and amount you’ll pay) may shock you.

Credit Card Optimizer
Even if you’re keeping up with your minimum payments on your credit card balances, multiple payments and high interest rates can slow the payoff timeline. Use this calculator to see how quickly you can pay off your credit cards with the right financial strategy.

Credit Card Payoff
Are you ready to pay off your credit cards? This calculator will show you what it will take to pay off your credit cards as well as what you can change to pay them off sooner. Just a couple more dollars each month could save you thousands in interest.

Home Equity Debt Consolidation
Is it a smart choice to use the equity in your home as a way to consolidate debt balances? This Home Equity Debt Consolidation Calculator shows how monthly payments can be affected by a different financial strategy, and it demonstrates the risks you take on with this type of debt consolidation.

How Much Do You Owe
The average amount of debt for Americans ranges from $40,000 to almost $150,000 depending on age group. As a nation, we have over $13 trillion of household debt. If you’re not sure where to start with debt repayment, you’re certainly not alone. Use this calculator as a jumping off point and see how much you really owe before coming up with a payoff plan.

Personal Debt Consolidation
Keeping up with monthly payments can be a challenge, especially when you have multiple balances to pay. Only making your minimum debt payments is a slow repayment process, which is why it often makes sense to try and fast-track it. Use this calculator to see how the balances can be consolidated into one low-interest loan.

Roll-Down Your Credit Card Debt
Minimum debt payments might help you get out of debt eventually, but it’s a slow process. Try this calculator to see how your debt payoff schedule can be optimized by rolling the payments into an effective long-term strategy. As a result, you’ll be able to achieve financial freedom much quicker.