“Being in debt hindered me as a person, professionally and socially. To make ends meet, I was working a full-time job and two part-time jobs. I couldn’t go out on the weekends with my friends. I couldn’t participate in any of my hobbies.” And so begins Dalton’s debt relief story.
Dalton signed up for debt relief while carrying $51,000 in debt and working 3 jobs. When he was asked why he chose to pay off his debt with National Debt Relief, he mentioned the other client experiences he had read about. As Dalton says, “Part of the reason I went with National Debt Relief was that I saw countless five-star reviews. It was people experiencing great things with their customer service, getting their debts negotiated down, having the support team so they didn’t have to go it alone.”
At the beginning of the process, Dalton’s debt coach determined what kind of payments he was currently making, including his amount of rent, monthly food budget, gas, and car insurance. This information was vital to land on a monthly payment that worked within his budget.
Progress through support
National Debt Relief had Dalton’s back from start to finish. He described the process this way, “They put together a plan I could follow and afford. Any time I approached them with a problem, they worked with me to find a solution. Whether it was skipping a payment or increasing or decreasing to meet my goal, they always treated me like an actual person. They helped me reduce my debt by $28,000.”

As Dalton paid off his debt and grew professionally, his newfound confidence enabled him to trade in his roles in retail and as an office assistant to a more lucrative position in IT. This additional income helped him complete the program faster. According to Dalton, “National Debt Relief gave me the confidence to complete the program. After seeing that first settlement plan come in and making my first payments directly to a creditor, I finally felt I had a way out.”
Taking his life back
Dalton becomes more animated as he describes his life without debt. “I feel like I’m back in control. When I was in debt, there was a huge weight on me all the time. But now that I’ve completed the program, I’m able to pursue my hobbies. I was able to purchase a motorcycle. Five years ago, my goal was to have my own place, have an espresso machine, and I have that now.”
He feels like a world of opportunity has now opened for him. “They showed me that I can succeed as a person. It was not only getting out of debt, but it was really regaining control of my financial situation,” raves Dalton.
From overwhelmed to ecstatic
Friends and family can tell how much happier Dalton is and how much freer and lighter he seems without the weight of debt. “I’m living my best life now. I have a steady Monday through Friday job with consistent time off where I didn’t have that before. I feel like the world’s my oyster.”
Dalton offers advice for everyone who is struggling with debt. “I think that everybody has it in them to succeed in a program like this. Everybody has the ability to be debt free, but sometimes we need a little help and that’s okay. It’s reassuring having such an experienced team at my back, helping me navigate the settlement process.”
He summarizes his experience with National Debt Relief this way. “I think that it was the best decision I’ve made in my life to this point. I was really struggling, and they helped me turn my life around.”
Let the people at National Debt Relief help you write your story. We will support you every step of the way to help you pay off your debt, regain financial independence and adjust your spending habits to remain debt free. Can you imagine how much better your life would be if you took debt out of the picture?